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The Druta Designs continues to expand it use of 3D data throughout all life cycle phases for the assets it owns. 3D design models can be used to distribute multiple successful formats that communicate the designer’s intent. As other DOTs across the country are realizing, there are tangible benefits to every type of roadway project using 3D models. These benefits are present in both the project development and delivery phases. Project development benefits include improved plan quality; increased efficiency in plan development, decreased design error, and improved public engagement. Project delivery benefits include increased collaboration using mobile platforms, automated machine guidance (AMG), and utilization of V/R.
Druta Designs has developed the 3D Model Development Guidance Manual (the Manual) to specifically address the requirements of the 3D model during the PDP with the understanding there will be direct benefit during project delivery phase. Future versions of the Manual are expected to include additional detail on QA and constructability review efforts. In the interim, this Manual has discussions on best practices, frequently asked questions, and expectations of the model at different milestones. These sections can give an indication of what efforts may be needed during model review

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